Border3DStyleType EnumerationChart4.NET - Organization Charting Component (C#/VB.NET/ASP.NET) - Documentation
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3D style of the border for node or chart. Applies to hpcSettings-Node_Border3DStyleList and hpcSettings-Chart_Border3DStyle.

Namespace: UnifoChart.Hierarchy
Assembly: UnifoChart.Hierarchy (in UnifoChart.Hierarchy.dll) Version: (5.1.0)

public enum Border3DStyleType
public enum Border3DStyleType

  Member nameValueDescription
RaisedOuter1 The border has a raised outer edge and no inner edge.
SunkenOuter2 The border has a sunken outer edge and no inner edge.
RaisedInner4 The border has a raised inner edge and no outer edge.
Raised5 The border has raised inner and outer edges.
Etched6 The inner and outer edges of the border have an etched appearance.
SunkenInner8 The border has a sunken inner edge and no outer edge.
Bump9 The inner and outer edges of the border have a raised appearance.
Sunken10 The border has sunken inner and outer edges.
Adjust8192 The border is drawn outside the specified rectangle, preserving the dimensions of the rectangle for drawing.
Flat16394 The border has no three-dimensional effects.
See Also